An English guide to Admiralgade 26



Brings you the comfort of our corner from the classics to the progressive, allways at eye height.


Our navigation is in Danish, but understandable where it matters.
The reservation has is own page in English and the rest of the pages are bilingual.

selskabskalender, means community dinners, movie nights and other events suitable for an evening out, now every second Wednesday.

vin is wine and we have plenty of it.

galleri, yes gallery

avisen, means the news paper. A series of news papers published by us since we opened. Mostly in Danish, but good fun having a look at.

tilføjelser, means amendments, and keeps stories, vacancies and giftcards in place.


Situated on a tranquille corner, in the center of Copenhagen, close to parliament and more importantly even closer to our wine bar - Ved Stranden 10.

A la carte lunch with our evergreens and added favourites.
Monday - Friday: 1200 - 1430

Dinner A la carte for the planned as well as the spontaneous. When 6 or more guests we compose a menu for the whole table. Our kitchen is focused on greens with a Japanese mindset and plentiful options from the sea.
Thursday - Saturday from 1730 - 0100
(kitchen closes at 2200)

Wednesday 18:30 is reserved for community eating, salons and movie nights. read more under onsdage, it is a blast.

Spontaneous behaviour is supported, do call us or stop by. We have bar tables and a sofa, suitable for a snack and a glass of wine or two.

Saturday lunches are Japanese with our Choushoku set serving. A traditional japanese set serving, with cravings and inner peace.
Saturday 1130 - 1400.

Onsdage · Wednesdays



A soundtrack from Ved Stranden 10 and Admiralgade 26 by staff and patrons all longing… yearning. Playful and stimulating, in no order.

Spotify url
Spotify playlist link